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Slurm - Veredas

121 bytes adicionados, 17h43min de 14 de junho de 2019
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|submete Submete na linha de comando um job para execução.
|submete Submete scripts shell (eg. bash) para a fila de espera do SLURM.
|reserva Reserva recursos do cluster (tempo de cpu, memória, quantidade de nós, etc) para a execução de uma tarefa computacional.
|para Para transmissão de um arquivo para todos os nós que foram alocados para um determinado job.
|para Para cancelar um job que esteja sendo executado ou que ainda esteja na fila de espera.
|para Para monitorar o estado dos jobs nas diversas filas de espera do SLURM.
|para Para monitorar o estado global das partições configuradas (filas).
|providencia Providencia a integração de toda a informação e disponibiliza-a através de uma interface gráfica.
|'''SLURM_JOB_ID (and SLURM_JOBID for backwards compatibility)'''
|''The ID of the job allocation.''
|''Name of the job.''
|'''SLURM_JOB_NODELIST (and SLURM_NODELIST for backwards compatibility)'''
|''List of nodes allocated to the job.''
|'''SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES (and SLURM_NNODES for backwards compatibility)'''
|''Total number of different nodes in the job's resource allocation.''
|''Total number of tasks in a job array.''
|''Job array ID (index) number.''
|''Job array's maximum ID (index) number.''
|''Job array's minimum ID (index) number.''
|''Job array's index step size.''
|''Job array's master job ID number.''
|''Name of the cluster on which the job is executing.''
|''Number of CPUS on the allocated node.''
|''Number of cpus requested per task. Only set if the '''--cpus-per-task''' option is specified.''
|''Account name associated of the job allocation.''
|''Count of processors available to the job on this node.''
|''Set to value of the '''--dependency''' option.''
|''Same as '''--mem'''.''
|''Same as '''--mem-per-cpu'''.''
|'''SLURM_NTASKS (and SLURM_NPROCS for backwards compatibility)'''
|''Same as '''-n, --ntasks'''''.
|''Number of tasks requested per node. Only set if the '''--ntasks-per-node''' option is specified.''
|''Number of tasks requested per socket. Only set if the '''--ntasks-per-socket''' option is specified.''
|''The directory from which '''sbatch''' was invoked.''
|''The hostname of the computer from which '''sbatch''' was invoked.''
|''The process ID of the task being started.''
|''Name of the node running the job script.''